McDonough Renters Look for These 6 Things from Their Landlords

McDonough Renters Look for These 6 Things from Their Landlords
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Tenant relations is just one of the aspects of McDonough rental property ownership that you always look to improve. When you have a great relationship with those who rent from you, even challenges seem easier. But the key to developing and maintaining a productive relationship with your tenants, it’s important to first know what they’re looking for from you as their landlord. Based on recent surveys and eons of analytics, here are just some of the things your McDonough renters look for in a great tenant-landlord relationship.

1. They Want to Know What to Expect from You

From lease terms and rent payment procedures to maintenance and lockout calls, tenants want to know they can count on you to outline every detail. Take the time, from the beginning, to set the right expectations about your process for handling every engagement. Spell it out in writing for future reference, but also discuss it to reiterate important details.

2. Respect Runs Both Ways

Tenants look for respect from their landlords, just as much as McDonough landlords want respect from their tenants. The best way to authentically lay a foundation of respect with your renters, which runs both ways, is by acknowledging privacy, space, and preferences. Set reasonable boundaries with each other that outline a rulebook for engagement and stick to it. Keep your word. And even if there should be a heated disagreement, agree to behave civilly and keep all dialogue respectful and free of emotion. Whether it’s a conversation about submitting a complaint or sharing requests for quiet hours, discussing these details upfront will take any guesswork out of identifying boundaries.

3. Honesty and Integrity

There is no shortage of landlord stories out there that renters share amongst themselves. And for so many rental property owners, it’s those bad-apple management practices that tarnish it for everyone. That’s why when you engage new tenants for your McDonough rental property, lay the foundation for integrity and honesty throughout the entire duration of the lease. Be diligent not to bombard renters with nagging phone calls. Avoid making those unexpected visits. And before you raise the rent or impose fees, make sure your tenants are notified well ahead of time to avoid surprising them with charges they can’t afford.

4. The Fine Line Between Being Available and Having Privacy

Your McDonough tenants want to know you’re available if they need you. But they also want to enjoy their privacy. And finding that fine line can often be tough. Take the time to talk with your renters about their communication and landlord support preferences. Some may prefer you connect with them by email or via text. Others may appreciate the occasional phone call to check-in. And equally important are your availability times and preferences. Be specific about how tenants can reach you for maintenance or repair concerns. Make sure they have your contact information on-hand, for during business hours as well as after-hours and for emergencies.

5. Establish Open Communication

The most beneficial tenant-landlord relationships are made possible only because there is open communication. Renters need to be assured they can connect with you should they have questions or need help. You want them to be open and honest with you about things, too, including when they might be a little late with the rent payment. When both sides are open to communicating, there won’t be a tenant-property owner problem you can’t resolve.

6. Prioritize Tenant Upgrades and Projects

Tenants really want to know you prioritize their living experience. And when McDonough property owners make diligent efforts to improve and update the property, the renters appreciate it. Upgrading laundry facilities in your multi-family unit or putting a fresh coat of paint on your single-family dwelling can go a long way with earning points with your tenants. And it’s a win-win since renovations and updates improve the value of your rental property, too.

Consider these most common things renters want from their McDonough rental property owners. And don’t forget to contact our team if you need help developing those key rental relationships!
